
Welcome to What Is Data Recovery

First things first: DISCLAIMER

1. This site has been built to provide you, as a customer looking for a data recovery service and wanting to understand what you're going into or as persons who just seeks to know what hides behind data recovery. the site provide all information free of any type of charge and run by an individual whom working in the data recovery field. this site does not belong or sponsored by any company or business and therefore does not favorite any company over other.

2. This site and / or its operator assumes any type of responsibility of any damage might come to your equipment while attempting a procedure described on this site. If for any reason you choose to try any type of data recovery procedure described on this site you and you alone assume full responsibility for your actions and the outcome.

3. This site provides free information regarding data recovery, the information provided on this site is taken from the site's operator's experience in the data recovery field and other sources on the web. If you feel (or know) that some information on this site is wrong please contact to the site operator and it will be corrected.

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